The calibration testnet currently is halted 50 epochs after the WatermelonFix upgrade, implementers are looking into the issue atm. Follow #fil-net-calibration-discuss for timely updates.
Posted Nov 08, 2023 - 12:10 UTC
A bug in the move partition actor implementation was discovered during the testing, more details can be found here. Fortunately, we caught it on the testnet before it's launched on mainnet 🎊 And unfortunately, to fix this bug on calibration needs an upgrade as it is a consensus breaking change. We have released actor v12.0.0-rc2 with the fix, and will schedule a WatermelonFix upgrade at epoch 1070494, 2023-11-07T13:00:00 Z to rollout the patch for calibration.
Calibration participants should checkout implementation announcements and make sure your nodes are updated to the release respectively.
Posted Nov 02, 2023 - 00:45 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Oct 19, 2023 - 11:00 UTC
The Filecoin Calibration Net will be performing a Network Upgrade to v21 happening at epoch 1013134 around 2023-10-19T13:00:00Z. This upgrade delivers several new FIPs and protocol bugfixes to the Filecoin network!